ART 453 Practicum Infield Study: Course Information Summary


The goal of this project is to pre­pare stu­dents for pro­fes­sional real­i­ties by appren­tic­ing with a pro­fes­sional design organization.


Stu­dents are required to find, apply, receive approval, reg­is­ter and par­tic­i­pate in an off-cam­pus intern­ship hosted by an approved and rep­utable design-related orga­ni­za­tion. Stu­dents expe­ri­ences will vary based on stu­dent inter­ests and host demands.

Course Description

Stu­dent ori­ented exter­nal intern­ship expe­ri­ence doc­u­ment­ing the abil­ity to work pro­duc­tively with teams using pro­fes­sional prac­tices and project orga­ni­za­tion unique to spon­sor. Assess­ment via writ­ten and ver­bal cri­tiques, research, analy­sis and descrip­tions of project based work. (Class con­tact for studio–6 hours.) Pre­req­ui­site: ART 355 (three plus hours), advi­sor con­sent and Design Tech­nol­ogy Require­ment. Course Fee: $40.


The course con­sists of sev­eral assignments:


The course sat­is­fies the fol­low­ing Whole Per­son Assess­ment pro­gram used by the University:

  • WPA Mul­ti­ple as defined by each assignment.