Assignment 01.01: Internship Administration


The goal of this assign­ment is to com­plete the nec­es­sary admin­is­tra­tive approvals that autho­rizes and assesses a stu­den­t’s internship. 


The objec­tive of this assign­ment is to pro­vide intern­ship approval and assess­ment by the stu­dent, aca­d­e­mic advi­sor and intern­ship sponsor. 

Background Reading


The admin­is­tra­tive process involves sev­eral com­mu­ni­ca­tions between you (the stu­dent), the aca­d­e­mic advi­sor and intern­ship spon­sor. The out­line of the process is found on the course serve under the head­ing Appli­ca­tion Process and Terms and Con­di­tions. All forms must be com­pleted in order to receive credit. This assign­ment is graded “Pass/Fail.”


Com­puter, appro­pri­ate soft­ware, appro­pri­ate web forms


First day of intern­ship. Assign­ment Given.

Last day of intern­ship. All Parts due in appro­pri­ate D2L section.