
Exercise 04.02: Art Matting

Goal The goal of this exer­cise is to develop and prac­tice skills needed for the pro­duc­tion of design arti­facts and e

Exercise 05.02: Framing and Hanging

Goal The goal of this exer­cise is to develop and prac­tice skills needed for the pro­duc­tion of design arti­facts and e

Exercise 03.02: Design Mounting

Goal The goal of this exer­cise is to develop and prac­tice skills needed for the pro­duc­tion of design arti­facts and e

Assignment 05.01: Performance Evaluation

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to eval­u­ate the intern­ship performance.  Objective The objec­tive of this as

Assignment 05.08: Senior Project Presentation

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to develop a cre­ate pol­ished ver­sions of the mul­ti­me­dia, multi-for­mat

Assignment 03.05: Senior Project Drafts

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to develop a cre­ate pol­ished ver­sions of the mul­ti­me­dia, multi-for­mat

Assignment 01.02: Senior Project Development

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to develop a work­ing draft of the mul­ti­me­dia, multi-for­mat design solutio

ART 453 Practicum Infield Study: Course Information Summary

Goal The goal of this project is to pre­pare stu­dents for pro­fes­sional real­i­ties by appren­tic­ing with a pr

Assignment 11.01: Senior Project Research and Project Proposal

Goal The goal of the assign­ment is to pre­pare stu­dents for the rig­ors of ART 499 Senior Project course. Objective The

Exercise 10.15: Student Opinion Surveys

Exercise 16.11: Virtual Instruction

Goal Materials com­puter, web browser

Exercise 10.15: Student Opinion Surveys

Goal To obtain an unbi­ased, anony­mous review of the course and instruc­tor by par­tic­i­pat­ing students. Objective C