Background 03.01: Fundamentals of Graphic Design


This goal of this doc­u­ment is to estab­lish the con­text for cur­rent course content.


Com­plete the Back­ground Read­ing and define the Vocab­u­lary spec­i­fied below. Writ­ten, ver­bal and visual iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and uti­liza­tion is required. 

To facil­i­tate the flu­ency of knowl­edge and use of the Ele­ments and Prin­ci­ples of design that are key to cre­at­ing suc­cess­ful design solu­tions in all media.

Background Reading

  • San­toro, Chap­ter 6, p 151–178
  • Dab­ner, p 34–61
  • Koenig, Chap­ter 7 and 8, p 121–151


  • Actual space
  • Alter­nat­ing
  • Asym­met­ri­cal balance
  • Bal­ance
  • Base­line Grid
  • Book Jacket
  • Bright­ness
  • Col­umn
  • Com­pli­men­tary colors
  • Com­po­si­tion
  • Con­certina Fold
  • Con­ti­n­unity
  • Con­trast
  • Crys­tal­lo­graphic
  • Diag­o­nals
  • Direc­tion
  • Econ­omy
  • Ele­ment
  • Empha­sis
  • Form
  • French Fold
  • Gate­fold
  • Gestalt Psy­chol­ogy
  • Gra­da­tion
  • Grid
  • Ground
  • Gut­ter
  • Hier­ar­chy
  • Hue
  • Iden­tity
  • Iso­la­tion
  • Law of Closure
  • Lay­out
  • Legato
  • Line
  • Move­ment
  • Neg­a­tive Space
  • Paper Grain
  • Patch
  • Per­fect Bind
  • Pic­ture plane
  • Plane
  • Point
  • Pos­i­tive space
  • Pri­mary colors
  • Pro­gres­sive
  • Prox­im­ity
  • Radial
  • Recto
  • Rep­e­ti­tion
  • Rhythm
  • Rollover Folds
  • Sad­dle Stitching
  • Sat­u­ra­tion
  • Scale
  • Sec­ondary colors
  • Shade
  • Sim­i­lar­ity
  • Space
  • Stac­cato
  • Sym­me­try
  • Ter­tiary colors
  • Tex­ture
  • Thumb­nail (sketch)
  • Tint
  • Unity
  • Value
  • Vari­ety
  • Verso
  • Vir­tual space
  • Vis­i­ble


Dab­ner, David; The New Graphic Design School; John Wiley & Sons Inc; Fourth Ed, 2009; ISBN-10: 0470466510 ISBN-13: 978–0470466513

Kane, John; A Type Primer; Pren­tice Hall; 2003. ISBN-10: 013099071X ISBN-13: 9780130990716

Koenig, Becky; Color Work­book; Pren­tice Hall, Third Edi­tion; 2009. ISBN-10: 0205656390 ISBN-13: 978–0205656394

Landa, Robin; Graphic Design Solu­tions; Del­mar Cen­gage Learn­ing; 3 edi­tion, 2005; ISBN-10: 1401881548 ISBN-13: 978–1401881542

San­toro, Scott W; Guide to Graphic Design; Pear­son, 1st edi­tion, 2013; ISBN-10: 0132300702 ISBN-13: 978–0132300704

Wilde, Judith and Richard; Visual Lit­er­acy; Wat­son-Gup­til pub­li­ca­tions; Paper­back edi­tion, 1991. ISBN-10: 0823056201