Assignment 08.12: Conceptual Message and Media Form


The goal of this assign­ment is to rep­re­sent a con­cep­tual mes­sage in mul­ti­ple media forms, main­tain­ing a cus­tomized, yet con­sis­tent visual aesthetic.


The objec­tive of this assign­ment is to cre­ate a small iden­tity for a con­cep­tual audio playlist you cre­ate for dig­i­tal device screen and appli­ca­tion pro­gram use, as well as tra­di­tional printed CD case, book­let and a sim­u­lated disk label.

Background Reading


Plan, cre­ate, develop and pro­duce a multi-for­mat, multi-sized and multi-func­tional set of design solu­tions iden­ti­fy­ing a con­cep­tual asso­ci­a­tion through imagery, typog­ra­phy and content.

Part One

Using the research you gen­er­ated in Assign­ment 01 on a musi­cal genre, choose a min­i­mum of four songs that relate to each other on a con­cep­tual man­ner. Please make selec­tions that respect the school’s honor code. Brain­storm pos­si­ble visual metaphors, col­ors, imagery and text con­tent. Col­lect images, art­work and type­faces to reflect your con­cept, select­ing a sin­gle type­face from the restricted type­face list. Each solu­tion must include some com­bi­na­tion of pho­to­graphic image, vec­tor art­work, and text. Sketch solutions.

Part Two

Cre­ate digi­pack case, a min­i­mum four page CD case mini-book­let, CD label, phone wall­pa­per, and Apple Music/Spotify cover graphic that rep­re­sents the con­cep­tual mes­sage. Tai­lor color, sizes, pro­por­tion and lay­out to each form, while retain­ing the visual rela­tion­ship. Any graphic rep­re­sen­ta­tion is pos­si­ble as long as it sup­ports the con­cept. Print black and white proofs of case and label, dig­i­tal files for dig­i­tal proofs.

Project Sizes and Content

Each part of the set has its own tech­ni­cal and con­tent require­ments. Each of these are impor­tant for a num­ber of pro­duc­tion and legal rea­sons and must be fol­lowed as closely as possible.

  • Case: title, descrip­tive tag line. Song titles, artist, length, stu­dent name, image and type­face cred­its, full color CMYK, full bleeds. Print the case on heavy card­stock, fold and glue. Clear, black or white trays pro­vided to hold the sim­u­lated disk. Please use the tem­plate:
  • Case Book­let: title, descrip­tive tag line. Song titles, artist, length, stu­dent name, image and type­face cred­its, full color CMYK, full bleeds. Please use one of the fol­low­ing tem­plates: CS4+ assn08_case_CS4.indd or assn08_booklet_CS4.idml
  • Label: title, tagline, stu­dent name, two spot col­ors only. Con­vert all fonts to out­lines. Please use the fol­low­ing tem­plate: CS4+: assn08_cd_template.eps
  • Wall­pa­per: Title, tag, stu­dent name, full color, RGB. Please use one phone and one tablet. The fol­low­ing are help­ful, but per­haps out­dated sizes in the tem­plates folder: assn08_ios_wallpaper_temps
  • Cover Icon: Title. Please use the tem­plate: CS4+: assn08_cover_flow.psd

Part Three

While some­what retro, CD’s are still a pop­u­lar form of dis­trib­ut­ing music. Unfor­tu­nately, it is becom­ing more dif­fi­cult to pro­duce these items in real­ity. Grad­ing will occur using a sim­u­la­tion and color sep­a­ra­tion proofs. Please sub­mit the label to the appro­pri­ate D2L drop­box. The course instruc­tor will print and trim it to the appro­pri­ate size using a laser cut­ter and dis­trib­ute for grading.

Part Four

Assem­ble your final project, com­plete with case, book­let, sim­u­lated label and “max­i­mum” qual­ity JPG images. Also include black and white color sep­a­ra­tions of both CD case art­work and CD label as directed in class. The CD mockup, case, book­let and screen images will will serve to assess the design related cri­te­ria of the assign­ment, as well as remain with me after final grad­ing. Files sub­mit­ted via D2L will assess hier­ar­chy and nam­ing con­ven­tions. Upload all author­ing and PDF files to appro­pri­ate D2L Drop­box. Upload JPG images of assem­bled project as well. (11.28.2022)


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Assign­ment 08.12: Con­cep­tual Mes­sage and Media Form
  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L is no longer used for Whole Per­son assess­ment (WPA) scores or grades, but will still be assessed for research pur­poses: WPA 1.2 Graphic Design I Con­cep­tual Mes­sage and Media Form


Link man­age­ment, Font man­age­ment, PDF creation


Lay­out paper, pen­cil, Adobe Illus­tra­tor and/or Pho­to­shop, access to b/w and color laser printer, matte board, ruler, cut­ting tool, rub­ber cement, CD case, CD label


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.