ART 218

Lecture 03.01: Fundamentals of Design

Goal The goal of this lec­ture is to define the fun­da­men­tal design principles. Objective Com­plete the Back­ground Re

Background 03.01: Fundamentals of Graphic Design

Goal This goal of this doc­u­ment is to estab­lish the con­text for cur­rent course content. Objective Com­plete the Bac

Graphic Design 1 (KPA)

Goal The goal of this project is to asses the stu­den­t’s per­for­mance and poten­tial in the graphic design field. Obj

Assignment 06.10: Type Families and Visual Reinforcement

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to increase sophis­ti­ca­tion in design­ing with type. The type font is the set of c

Quiz 05.08: Shape Type

Goal The goal of this quiz is to asses the stu­den­t’s vec­tor shape and let­ter­form iden­ti­fi­ca­tion skills.&nb

ART 218 Midterm Grading

Goal The goal of midterm grad­ing is to pro­vide an assess­ment of stu­dent work com­pleted at the end of the semes­ter.

Background 08.01: Typography — Anatomy

Goal This goal of this doc­u­ment is to estab­lish the con­text for cur­rent course content. Objective Com­plete the Bac

Assignment 05.06: Letterforms within the Environment

Goal As your aware­ness of the shape and form of let­ters increases, you will notice shapes within your envi­ron­ment that

ART 218 Final Grading

Goal The goal of final grad­ing is to pro­vide an assess­ment of stu­dent work com­pleted at the end of the semes­ter. G

Assignment 07.11: Paragraph Alignment and Visual Hierarchy

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to develop an under­stand­ing of the typo­graphic attrib­utes of align­ment of type

Quiz 07.11: Spacing – Kerning

Goal To goal of this quiz is to asses the stu­den­t’s skill kern­ing letterforms. Objective The objec­tive of this quiz

Exercise 10.14: Student Opinion Surveys