Develop an understanding of the fundamental spatial and technical skills for creating 3D models.
Create several basic 3D models to utilize the concepts, tools and media that can be used to realize and develop conceptual ideas.
- https://www.tinkercad.com
- https://www.autodesk.com
- https://www.autodesk.com/education/support
- TinkerCAD — Tutorial for Beginners in 9 MINUTES! [ 2021 — COMPLETE ] https://youtu.be/gOs6Mdj7y_4
- Tinkercad for 3d printing tutorial Part 5: Importing, Extruding SVG Images in Your 3D CAD Designs https://youtu.be/ZMChkrtRpzI
- Advanced Tinker Cad Tips in 5 Minutes Video 1: The Advanced Basics https://youtu.be/UN7Ss4n1POA
Additional Inspiration Resources
Three dimensional software includes a wide range of features and need depending upon the end use. Quite often these include productivity and testing tools for manufacturing, architecture, engineering as well as specialized rendering and physics engines for developing animations. The software needed for this exercise is a very basic version of complex modeling software distributed my Autodesk. It is meant for STEAM related coursework, but is a quick and easy to learn the basics.
Part One
Create an account at Tinkercad. Visit https://www.tinkercad.com/join and Create a Personal Account. Once logged in you will arrive at the main screen which provides links to tutorials, as well as model sharing aspects of the extended social network. Select “Create a New Design” and begin to explore the functionality of the software.
Save the file and reopen it. Close the file again.
Part Two
Create a new design again, and this time name it “xyz_art335_exer08-01.” Later in the exercise, this fill will be shared and submitted for review.
Use the tools to create the following:
- Create a shape, combine shape
- Create and minus shapes
- Duplicate shapes
- Use text and keyboard inputs
- Curves and bevels
- Revolve and extrude tools
- Explode shapes
- Import school
- Create 3D heart
- Import an .obj model
- Import an black and white image.
In the top right hand corner of the browser window, use the “Export” button and modal window to create and download a .OBJ file for submission to the appropriate dropbox. In the same area of the browser window, press the person icon to “Invite people to design with you.” Use the modal window to “Generate a link.” Copy and paste this link into the appropriate dropbox comments section.
Solid modeling, addition and subtraction of shapes, import and export models, extrude rotate, navigate a 3D modeling plane
Tinkercad, Images, SVG, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.