Develop a practical application of design skills in a 3D artifact and product space.
Create a 3D model for printing, that will serve as the foundation for creating cast metal medals.
Background Reading
Additional Inspiration Resources
- How It’s Made — Championship Rings https://youtu.be/rnua2-NoYp8
- How an NBA CHAMPIONSHIP RING is Made | Sports Dissected https://youtu.be/NytUMXBrjwY
- Making a Medal Using the Sand Casting Process https://youtu.be/TL919mY28fk
- Image to STL https://imagetostl.com
- How to import an image into Tinker Cad https://youtu.be/NN8jvzm7D8s
- How to Import a SVG Vector File into Tinkercad https://youtu.be/1fl9g2Hh8tg
- Image to Lithopane https://3dp.rocks/lithophane/
- 15 Tools to Instantly Convert 2D Images to 3D Ones | 2021 Edition https://www.rankred.com/convert-2d-images-to-3d/
Model Repositories
Create a sample medal for the finishers of the ORU Homecoming 5K race. Medals are often modeled in one media (in this case digitally via 3D printer) to make molds to cast final metal, prior to enameling. The ribbon used to wear the medal is integral part of the composition. Working on small groups will reduce printing time, but will also foster collaboration and specialization. Choose a partner based on both 3D and 2D skill sets. Notify the course instructor of the members of the group.
Part One
Ideas, sketches, do not forget about the ribbon. Develop any necessary files using 3D modeling software, vector or photo editing software. Create a 2D sample digital file for creating the medal. Create a file for the color and printing for the ribbon.
Technical Specifications
- 80 mm max area
- 50 mm central disk
- 4 mm maximum height
- 2 mm minimum height
- 38 mm width
- 450 mm length
Part Two
Create a model in Tinkercad or similar 3D modeling software. Use the importing and converting tools to bring in the necessary artwork files. Ultimately, create a model or several model pieces that can be printed on a 3D printer. Deliver the model files to the appropriate D2L dropbox for printing by the instructor.
Part Three
Use Adobe Dimension to color the final medal. Export a silver/grey version From Part Two. Use Dimension and any additional software to create a rendering of the final medal. Export image of final rendering and upload to appropriate D2L dropbox.
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine exercise score: Exercise Grading
raster, images, layers, AR editing, animation, triggers, actions
Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, Aero, Dimension, Creative Cloud Account, iOS device
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.