Assignment 03.08: AR Poster


To develop an aware­ness of the tech­ni­cal and spa­tial skills needed to cre­ate aug­mented real­ity (AR) experiences.


Cre­ate an inter­me­di­ate AR expe­ri­ence using tra­di­tional design tools, as well as ded­i­cated desk­top and mobile AR applications.

Background Reading

Intermediate Theory and Technique

Additional Inspiration Resources


Cre­ate an ani­mated, inter­ac­tive dig­i­tal sign using 2D, 3D and ani­mated ele­ments, based on estab­lished loca­tion in GC to serve as can­vas. Con­sider the inter­ac­tive and time based oppor­tu­ni­ties for incor­po­rat­ing media forms and actions unique to the mes­sage and the medium. The cre­ation and ani­ma­tion of images, clips and mod­els can pro­vide a wide range of edu­ca­tional, nav­i­ga­tional, func­tional and enter­tain­ment expe­ri­ences. Tran­si­tion­ing to inter­ac­tive mod­el­ing in the phys­i­cal envi­ron­ment will help to develop these tech­ni­cal skills.

Part One

Choose cam­pus event, which could be one from the past, so infor­ma­tion is read­ily avail­able, such as who, what, when, where, why and how.

  • Soc­cer Game
  • Vol­ley­ball Game
  • SA Events
  • Art and Design Show
  • The­atre Show
  • Dance Show

Choose loca­tion based on dis­cus­sions in class, cen­tered around GC 2B04 and the GC 2 main hall­way. Sketch loca­tion, lay­out ideas, sto­ry­board rep­re­sent­ing motion. Required to have inter­ac­tion, motion and 3D elements.

Develop dig­i­tal comps of the “poster” related aspects of the mes­sage. These serve as a rough styl­is­tic sam­ple frame or key draft from which the remain­ing pieces are pro­duced. Use the soft­ware most appro­pri­ate to the task.

Part Two

Develop nec­es­sary files to cre­ate the poster. Use any nec­es­sary files and assets cre­ated or found on inter­net, assum­ing appro­pri­ate per­mis­sions are avail­able. Develop rough draft of the files and ani­ma­tions based on the sketches. Insert into Adobe Aero and test in the appro­pri­ate loca­tion using the iOS app.

Final­ize ani­ma­tions, siz­ing and imagery based on cri­tique from Part Two. Pub­lish to Adobe Cloud account. Print QR code for in-per­son cri­tique (so each stu­dent can scan and expe­ri­ence indi­vid­u­ally). Take a screen­shot of ele­ments and trig­gers screen. Also Share the link and or QR code in the descrip­tion when upload­ing the images to the appro­pri­ate D2L dropbox.

Part Three

Final­ize ani­ma­tions, siz­ing and imagery based on cri­tique from Part Two. 

Pub­lish to Adobe Cloud account. Print QR code for in-per­son cri­tique (so each stu­dent can scan and expe­ri­ence indi­vid­u­ally). Take a screen­shot of ele­ments and trig­gers screen. Also Share the link and or QR code in the descrip­tion when upload­ing the images to the appro­pri­ate D2L dropbox.

Take a screen­shot of ele­ments and trig­gers screen. Also Share the link and or QR code in the descrip­tion when upload­ing the images to the appro­pri­ate D2L dropbox.

To take a screen-shot:

  • Com­mand-Shift-4-Space­bar: Takes a screen­shot of the win­dow, and saves it as a file on the desk­top. The file will have a .png extension.
  • Com­mand-Shift‑3: Takes a screen­shot of the entire screen, and saves it as a file on the desk­top. The file will have a .png extension.
  • Instead of using the key­board short­cuts above, screen­shots can be taken by using the Screen­shot appli­ca­tion included with Mac OS X. It is located at /Applications/Utilities/Screenshot or by search­ing via Spot­light in the upper right of the Mac screen.
  • For more infor­ma­tion, please visit: https://​sup​port​.apple​.com/​e​n​-​u​s​/​H​T​2​0​1​361


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine exer­cise score: Exer­cise Grading


raster, images, lay­ers, AR edit­ing, ani­ma­tion, trig­gers, actions


Adobe illus­tra­tor, Pho­to­shop, Aero, Dimen­sion, Cre­ative Cloud Account, iOS device


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.