ART 335

ART 412 Final Grading

Goal The goal of midterm grad­ing is to pro­vide an assess­ment of stu­dent work com­pleted at the end of the semes­ter.

Assignment 04.11: 3D Modeling and Printing

Goal Develop a prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion of design skills in a 3D arti­fact and prod­uct space. Obje

Exercise 08.10: Introduction to Tinkercad

Goal Develop an under­stand­ing of the fun­da­men­tal spa­tial and tech­ni­cal skills for cre­at­ing 3D models. Obje

Assignment 03.08: AR Poster

Goal To develop an aware­ness of the tech­ni­cal and spa­tial skills needed to cre­ate aug­mented real­ity (AR) experie

Exercise 07.09: Intermediate Adobe Aero

Goal To develop an aware­ness of the tech­ni­cal and spa­tial skills needed to cre­ate aug­mented real­ity (AR) experie

Exercise 06.07: Introduction to Adobe Aero

Goal To develop an aware­ness of the tech­ni­cal and spa­tial skills needed to cre­ate aug­mented real­ity (AR) experie

ART 335 Final Grading

Goal The goal of final grad­ing is to pro­vide an assess­ment of stu­dent work com­pleted at the end of the semes­ter. G

WPA-BFA-AGRD-Dimensional and Spatial Design Portfolio

Goal The goal of this project is to asses the stu­den­t’s per­for­mance and poten­tial in the graphic design field. Obj

ART 335 Midterm Grading

Goal The goal of midterm grad­ing is to pro­vide an assess­ment of stu­dent work com­pleted at the end of the semes­ter.

Exercise 04.04: Laser Cutter Introduction

Goal The goal of the exer­cise is to dis­cover and uti­lize the ben­e­fits and lim­i­ta­tions of com­puter con­troll

Exercise 03.01: Adobe Dimension

Goal The goal of this exer­cise is to develop the soft­ware skills needed to cre­ate three-dimen­sional (3D) mock­ups of

Exercise 02.01: Tulsa County Library Access

Goal The goal of this exer­cise is to access soft­ware resources avail­able to students. Objective The objec­tive of this