Rickert-Ziebold Trust Award

Detail of RZ Brochure

Detail, 2005, 7.5″ × 9″, (30″ × 9″, unfolded), Off­set Lith­o­g­ra­phy, Coated Paper, 4/c front, 1/c back, Uni­ver­sity Pho­tog­ra­phers and Printers

As a yearly award given to out­stand­ing grad­u­ates, the announcement’s pur­pose is to show­case the supe­rior work pro­duced by stu­dents. The piece is dis­trib­uted to patrons and area pro­grams as a recruit­ment tool. The 2005 design is a rede­vel­op­ment of an exist­ing for­mat, adapted to accom­mo­date larger images by halv­ing the num­ber of folds, but leav­ing paper, color usage and bud­get unchanged. The fin­ished form, which can also be dis­played as a poster, uses the under­ly­ing grid to main­tain flex­i­bil­ity and con­sis­tency for future ver­sions while ful­fill­ing the university’s graphic stan­dards. The 2006 piece was an imple­men­ta­tion of the estab­lished foun­da­tion struc­ture with cur­rent sub­ject mat­ter. The 2005 entry received an Excel­lence in Graphic Design award from GDUSA.

Detail, 2005, 7.5″ × 9″, (30″ × 9″, unfolded), Off­set Lith­o­g­ra­phy, Coated Paper, 4/c front, 1/c back, Uni­ver­sity Pho­tog­ra­phers and Printers

Detail, 2006, 7.5″ × 9″, (30″ × 9″, unfolded), Off­set Lith­o­g­ra­phy, Coated Paper, 4/c front, 1/c back, Uni­ver­sity Pho­tog­ra­phers and Printers

2006, 7.5″ × 9″, (30″ × 9″, unfolded), Off­set Lith­o­g­ra­phy, Coated Paper, 4/c front, 1/c back, Uni­ver­sity Pho­tog­ra­phers and Printers

Detail, 2006, 7.5″ × 9″, (30″ × 9″, unfolded), Off­set Lith­o­g­ra­phy, Coated Paper, 4/c front, 1/c back, Uni­ver­sity Pho­tog­ra­phers and Printers