Visiting Artist Program Promotion


Poster, 18″ × 24″, Off­set Lith­o­g­ra­phy, Coated Paper, 4/c, Uni­ver­sity Printers

As a set of mate­ri­als dis­trib­uted nation­ally and locally by the School of Art and Design’s Vis­it­ing Artist Pro­gram, the pur­pose of the cam­paign was to pro­mote the qual­ity lec­ture series funded by the School through the cre­ation of a fluid visual mes­sage. The scope of the series included the cre­ative design of a poster, sev­eral black and white ads placed in national mag­a­zines and local news­pa­pers, pro­mo­tional fly­ers and web site graph­ics placed on the School of Art and Design Web site. While directed by the client to use the sup­plied image, the graph­ics rein­force the play­ful nature of the speak­ers and image, while mak­ing the poster iden­ti­fi­able to view­ers through the use of color and ele­ment posi­tion. Photo credit: Joel Feldman.


Flyer, 8.5″ × 11″, Laser Print/Photocopy, Uncoated Col­ored Paper, 1/c