Assignment 01.02: Type as Image

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to use typog­ra­phy, place­ment and design prin­ci­ples to cre­ate an engag­ing&n

Course Introduction 01.01: Required Materials

Goal This goal of this infor­ma­tion is to define the sup­plies needed for the course.

Exercise 15.15: Student Opinion Surveys

Goal To obtain an unbi­ased, anony­mous review of the course and instruc­tor by par­tic­i­pat­ing students. Objective C

Exercise 01.01: Positive and Negative Anatomy

Goal The key to under­stand­ing let­ter­forms is under­stand­ing the rela­tion­ship between pos­i­tive and neg­a­t

Course Introduction 01.01: Evaluation Procedures

Goal This goal of this infor­ma­tion is to define the para­me­ters of course assessment.

Exercise 09.08: Creating a Grid for Text and Images

Goal The goal of this exer­cise is to intro­duce the com­plex­i­ties and vari­ables asso­ci­ated with multi col­umn g

Exercise 06.04: Hyphenation and Justification

Goal The pri­mary goal if this exer­cise is to develop a sophis­ti­cated aware­ness of the skill of copy­fit­ting

ART 378 Final Grading

Goal The goal of final grad­ing is to pro­vide an assess­ment of stu­dent work com­pleted at the end of the semes­ter. G

Assignment 05.11: Advanced Layout

Goal The pri­mary goal if this assign­ment is to uti­lize print pro­duc­tion soft­ware and skills to cre­ate a por

Whole Person Assessment (WPA)-AGRD-Motion Design Portfolio

Goal The goal of this project is to asses the stu­den­t’s per­for­mance and poten­tial in the graphic design field. Obj

Exercise 08.11: Motion and Gravity

Goal Trans­late the physics of the nat­ural world to dig­i­tal ani­mated compositions. Objective Cre­ate a short an

Exercise 10.13: Chapel Countdown Backgrounds

Goal Develop an under­stand­ing of the role if the visual sequence plays in a larger design solution. Objective Design