Exercise 02.01: Conceptual Development


The goal of this exer­cise is to prac­tice the skills nec­es­sary to cre­ate a con­nec­tion between the con­cep­tual devel­op­ment phase and the rep­re­sen­ta­tion phase of a project.


Brain­storm and col­lect rep­re­sen­ta­tive arti­facts that doc­u­ments your con­cep­tual ideas, pro­vides com­par­a­tive research and reminds you of your cre­ative strategy.

Back­ground Reading


Choose one of the words from https://​www​.very​well​fam​ily​.com/​f​e​e​l​i​n​g​s​-​w​o​r​d​s​-​f​r​o​m​-​a​-​t​o​-​z​-​2​0​8​6​647

Using paper and pen­cil, brain­storm as many asso­ci­a­tions as pos­si­ble. Col­lect as many rep­re­sen­ta­tive arti­facts as prac­ti­cal for pos­si­ble use and/or inspi­ra­tion. You may obtain these in any form, two‑, three- or four dimen­sional rep­re­sen­ta­tions, objects or experiences.

Upon mount­ing these col­lected works, redraw your brain­storm­ing using black marker, leav­ing space for clas­si­fy­ing and orga­niz­ing your new found col­lec­tion. Amend you brain­storm­ing as nec­es­sary. A pre­cise or exact form is not nec­es­sary, but rather a com­fort­able and per­sonal impact is the goal.

Take a photo of the fin­ished board, as well as the brain­storm­ing, and upload the images to the appro­pri­ate D2L dropbox.



  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Exer­cise Grading


Cre­ativ­ity, brain­storm­ing, plan­ning, experimentation,


col­lected mate­r­ial, paper, pen­cil, marker, mount­ing board, glue


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.