Assignment 02.02: Database Driven Site


Under­stand how a data­base dri­ven site oper­ates by input­ing and manip­u­lat­ing exist­ing famil­iar content.


Input exist­ing con­tent and meta data into a Word­Press site using a con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem allows fur­ther study relat­ing nav­i­ga­tion and presentation.


Build­ing a site requires the cre­ation of con­tent and the pre­sen­ta­tion of that con­tent. The dif­fi­cultly in learn­ing a new con­cept is com­pounded when more than one con­cept is intro­duced at a given time. By using exist­ing con­tent, a new sys­tem of manip­u­lat­ing, orga­niz­ing and pre­sent­ing that con­tent becomes famil­iar, espe­cially when using well estab­lished con­ven­tions and media sur­ro­gates. Cre­ate a sam­ple site using the server loca­tion estab­lished in pre­vi­ous course exer­cises and lectures.

Part One

Visit the Project Guten­berg web­site. Down­load or copy three chap­ters worth of con­tent from each of the fol­low­ing titles:

Part Two

Log into the Word­Press site. Enter three chap­ters worth of con­tent from each of the above titles for a total of thirty (30) entries. Enter the chap­ter title for the Post title, amend­ing it to “Chap­ter X of Book Title” if needed. The bulk of the work is cut­ting and past­ing, with min­i­mal styling needed for bold or ital­ics. Choose a quote to add some visual inter­est to long pas­sages. Select the “Bibrec” tab at the top of the Project Guten­berg book entry page and enter the con­tent into the appro­pri­ate Word­Press “Edit Post” loca­tions out­lined below:

Project Guten­bergWord­Press Post Set­tingNotes
TitleCat­e­goryPar­ent if needed
Chap­ter (Story) TitleCat­e­goryChild if needed
Sub­jectsTags (lim­ited num­ber, five (5) maxCover the main content
LoC (Library of Con­gress) ClassCat­e­gory 

Add, and style with Head­ing 3, the fol­low­ing text to the begin­ning of each post: The fol­low­ing is an excerpt of orig­i­nal con­tent dis­trib­uted from the Project Guten­berg web­site.

Add the Project Guten­berg down­load page link (listed above) rel­a­tive to the text to the bot­tom of each post.

Part Three

Once all post are entered, use the media link (library), pat­terns and spe­cial blocks to “spice up” the design for each book excerpt. The goal is to cre­ate a series of inter­con­nected parts the visu­ally con­nect the nav­i­ga­tion and usabil­ity of the entire site. Insert the image for each title to the appro­pri­ate posts. Review posts for errors and then pub­lish each.

Take a screen shot of the web­site home­page, and then leave a link to the site in the com­ments sec­tion of the dropbox.

To take a screen-shot:

  • Com­mand-Shift-4-Space­bar: Takes a screen­shot of the win­dow, and saves it as a file on the desk­top. The file will have a .png extension.
  • Com­mand-Shift‑3: Takes a screen­shot of the entire screen, and saves it as a file on the desk­top. The file will have a .png extension.
  • Instead of using the key­board short­cuts above, screen­shots can be taken by using the Screen­shot appli­ca­tion included with Mac OS X. It is located at /Applications/Utilities/Screenshot or by search­ing via Spot­light in the upper right of the Mac screen.
  • For more infor­ma­tion, please visit: https://​sup​port​.apple​.com/​e​n​-​u​s​/​H​T​2​0​1​361


Mark up, cat­e­gories, tags, posts, media upload, links


Word­Press, server space, browser


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.