Assignment 01.02: Type as Image


The goal of this assign­ment is to use typog­ra­phy, place­ment and design prin­ci­ples to cre­ate an engag­ing image.


The objec­tive of this assign­ment is to visu­ally define and illus­trate typo­graphic vocab­u­lary using an engag­ing visual aesthetic.

Background Reading

  • Bringhurst: For­ward; Chap­ter 1–2, p 9–44; Appen­dix A and B, p 270–298
  • Kane: Basics, p 2–13; Let­ters, p 52–61


Plan, cre­ate, develop and pro­duce a dynamic com­po­si­tion that illus­trates two typo­graphic terms, cho­sen from the cat­e­gories of anatomy, spac­ing and alignment.

Part One

Brain­storm on your cho­sen typo­graphic terms. Choose sev­eral and begin to com­bine them into pre­dictable rela­tion­ships. Then choose sev­eral that seem at odds and try to com­bine them in unex­pected com­bi­na­tions. Sketch your solu­tions on paper, and then choose the best ideas to advance to the com­puter, begin­ning to con­firm your assump­tions with basic proofs. Com­po­si­tions should also include a brief writ­ten def­i­n­i­tion of the terms.

Part Two

Con­tinue pro­duc­tion on your solu­tion, sized to 10 in x 10 in, full bleed. Use AFFEE or Adobe Font Favorite type­faces only, but hypo­thet­i­cally you have no limit on num­ber used. You are restricted to B/W flat color only, no gra­di­ents or tints. No images. Addi­tional char­ac­ters from the typo­graphic set as nec­es­sary. Com­bine, over­lap, abstract as war­ranted. Print and upload files to appro­pri­ate D2L Dropbox.

Part Three

Repro­duce the solu­tion from Part Two with the option of full color, tints or gra­di­ents. Print and upload files to appro­pri­ate D2L Dropbox.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Assign­ment 01.02: Type as Image


Type tool, Pen tool, Pathfinder Palette, Sav­ing, file struc­ture, PDF creation


Lay­out paper, pen­cil, Adobe Illus­tra­tor, access to b/w and color laser printer


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.