Background 01.01: What is Graphic Design Process?
Goal This goal of this document is to establish the context for current course content. Objective Complete the Bac
Bibliography — ART 318
Landa, Robin; Graphic Design Solutions; Delmar Cengage Learning; 3 edition, 2005; ISBN-10: 1401881548 ISBN-13:
Course Introduction: Evaluation Procedures
Goal This goal of this information is to define the parameters of course assessment.
Exercise 01.01: The Graphic Image
Goal To review the technical, aesthetic and conceptual skills needed for successful design solutions. Objective
Assignment 11.11: After Effects — Text, Shapes and Presentations
Goal The goal of this exercise is to practice the skills outlined in the Adobe Creative Team’s Adobe After Effects C
Assignment 01.02: Social Media Visual Communication
Goal The goal of this assignment is to use typography, images and design principles to create an engaging supp
Assignment 06.13: Motion Design
Goal The goal of this assignment is to develop a sensitivity to the parameters of motion design. Objective Th
Exercise 09.12: My Type of Person
Goal To understand how type presets influence viewers emotional interpretation of subject matter. Objective
Exercise 07.11: Stop Motion
Goal Experience the basics of classic animation techniques to truly understand the modern skills needed for su
Exercise 06.10: Frame Rates
Goal To experience the basics of classic animation techniques to truly understand the modern skills needed for
Exercise 05.10: Flipbook Animation
Goal To experience the basics of classic animation techniques to truly understand the modern skills needed for
ART 318 Midterm Grading
Goal The goal of midterm grading is to provide an assessment of student work completed at the midway point of the