ART 218

Lecture 03.03: Digital File Types

Goal The goal of this project is to intro­duce the file types used in design pro­duc­tion and to cre­ate a con­sis­

Lecture 05.01: Color Models

Goal As design­ers, you will need to work across mul­ti­ple media for­mats, regard­less of the indi­vid­ual projects fi

Quiz 03.05: Color

Goal To goal of this quiz is to asses the stu­den­t’s color knowl­edge and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion skills. Objective The o

Assignment 02.03: Sticker Shock

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to under­stand the role of figure/ground, sym­bols, color and mate­r­ial in com­muÂ

Lecture 03.04: Scanning

Goal The goal of this project is to intro­duce the prin­ci­ples and con­ven­tions used to scan images at set­tings appro

Assignment 03.04: Identi-tee

Goal The goal of this projects is to use design to com­mu­ni­cate and iden­tify in a cre­ative and effec­tive manne

Background 05.01: Process and Production

Goal This goal of this doc­u­ment is to estab­lish the con­text for cur­rent course con­tent. To facil­i­tate the fluÂ

Exercise 06.04: Font Installation and Anatomy Comparison

Goal To prop­erly install and uti­lize font files and to com­pare and observe dif­fer­ences in let­ter­forms and typefa

Lecture 03.02: Print File Types

Goal The goal of this project is to intro­duce the file types used in design pro­duc­tion and to cre­ate a con­sis­

Exercise 04.03: Vinyl Weeding

Goal The goal of this exer­cise is to develop the proper tech­niques needed to pre­pare and apply com­puter con­trolled c

Exercise 07.04: Spot Colors

Goal The goal of this exer­cise is to under­stand and uti­lize the dif­fer­ence between color mod­els and the appli­caÂ

Background 10.01: Typography — Alignment

Goal This goal of this doc­u­ment is to estab­lish the con­text for cur­rent course content. Objective Com­plete the Bac