The goal of this exercise is to introduce the complexities and variables associated with multi column grid development and layout.
Create a grid and assigned compositions using Kane’s procedure and a typeface selected from the AFFEE collection.
Background Reading
- Bringhurst, p 143–178
- Kane, p 178–226
- Santoro: Chapter 7, p 181–214 and Chapter 8, p 215–238
- Hill PDF’s
Find three dynamic and engaging images from the Glyphish Icon Set. Write a complimentary headline to suppliment your image, and collect or write a 200 word supporting essay. No restrictions are placed on the subject or sources as long as honor code and plagarism guidelines are followed. Using a selected typeface, assigned text, and the assigned reading (primarily beginning on page 212), use InDesign or similar page layout software to develop a grid for general use.
Final page size is 8.5 x 11 in landscape or portrait. Use the “Fill with Placeholder Text” instead of retyping the text for a text ruler. Create settings headline, subhead, body copy and caption in the course of creating baseline based system. Leave the text ruler on the page as a reference. To complete the assignment, create a PDF from File > Adobe PDF Presents > [Press Quality]. Click save with appropriate file name. In the next dialogue box, under General >Include please select “Non-printing Objects” and “Visible Guides and Grids.” The resulting file should have lines representing grids and guides.
The Kane book focuses on the following:
- Image size suggests various options for columns.
- Proper text setting, based on typeface, spacing, alignment, and ideal line length, are also a factor in column width.
- Horizontal ratios, and therefore grid, is based on column width. Make assumptions on gutters, as a multiple of text leading in ems.
- Margins can be set in a general unit, or with units based on leading from ideal text settings.
- Creating a “type ruler” helps to establish other parameters.
- Supplemental text is set at a unit of primary text. Units should reflect each other and cross align every few lines.
Save the authoring file to use the same grid on a future exercise. Print the PDF file (with grid lines) and then save the same PDF in the appropriate D2L dropbox. Do not print the file and grid directly from InDesign.
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine exercise score: Exercise Grading
Fibonacci sequence, typeface selection, leading, PDF creation
Adobe Font Folio Education Essentials, Adobe InDesign or similar page layout software, Acrobat Distiller
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.