Background 03.01: Alignment and Layout


This goal of this read­ing is to review intro­duc­tory typog­ra­phy ter­mi­nol­ogy in writ­ten and visual form.


  • Bringhurst: For­ward; Chap­ter 3–6, p 45–117; Appen­dix E, p 319–326
  • Kane: Words and Phrases — Text, p 64–113


  • Point size/leading type­face font (10÷13.5 Bembo italic)
  • Align­ment
  • Cen­tered
  • Con­trast
  • Cross Align­ment
  • Dou­ble prime
  • Exdent
  • Flush Left/Right
  • Head­line (heads)
  • Hier­ar­chy
  • Hyphen­ation
  • Indent
  • Jus­ti­fi­ca­tion
  • Jus­ti­fied
  • Kern­ing
  • Lead­ing
  • Leg­i­bil­ity
  • Let­terspac­ing
  • Line­spacing
  • Mea­sure
  • Opti­cal Adjustment
  • Orna­ments
  • Orphan
  • Panel
  • Para­graph
  • Prime
  • Print­ers Quotes
  • Ranged Left/Right
  • Read­abil­ity
  • Spec­i­men Book
  • Track­ing (loose, nor­mal, tight)
  • Widow
  • Anal­pha­betic symbols
  • Dia­crit­ics
  • Drop Cap
  • Ellipses
  • Em/En dash
  • Fleu­rons
  • Head­ing
  • Hyphen
  • Lig­a­tures
  • Numer­als
  • Paren­the­ses
  • Prime/Double Prime
  • Quo­ta­tion marks
  • Sloped Roman
  • Small Caps
  • Solidus
  • Sub­head
  • Super­script
  • Titling
  • Ver­sal
  • Vir­gule


Bringhurst, Robert; The Ele­ments of Typo­graphic Style; Hart­ley and Marks Pub­lish­ers; Third edi­tion, 2004. ISBN-10: 0881792063, ISBN-13: 978–0881792065

Kane, John; A Type Primer; Pren­tice Hall; 2003. ISBN-10: 013099071X, ISBN-13: 9780130990716