ART 304 Advanced Printmaking
IntroÂducÂtion Course Goals Course ObjecÂtive
OAEA Conference Notes and Link
I was forÂtuÂnate to parÂticÂiÂpate in the 2016 OklaÂhoma Art EduÂcaÂtor’s AssoÂciÂaÂtion annual conÂferÂence h
Recent Print Exhibitions
Thanks to an ORU IntraÂmural Research Grant award, I was able to subÂmit prints for exhiÂbiÂtion at sevÂeral venues
It is finally up.
I have a favorite picÂture of my grandÂfaÂther, Thomas G. Howell.
Crow Creek Farm
2013, VarÂiÂous Sizes, VarÂiÂous Media
Best of SwimTulsa Volume One
Banquet Cover, 8.5″ x 5.5″, DigÂiÂtal Print
A Modern Institution Promotion
2001–2002, PostÂcard Front, 5″ × 10″, (15″ × 10″, unfolded) OffÂset LithÂoÂgÂraÂphy, Coated Paper, 4/c, UniÂ
A Modern Institution Interactive Exhibit
HTML, CD-ROM, MacroÂmeÂdia DirecÂtor and Flash, Video An interÂnal SIUC Office of Research and DevelÂopÂment gran
Illinois Archaeology Association Poster
2008, 18″ × 24″, OffÂset LithÂoÂgÂraÂphy, Coated Paper, 4/c, PhoÂtos Provided
Broken Arrow Antique Merchants
2005, 8.5″ × 11″, OffÂset LithÂoÂgÂraÂphy, Uncoated SpeÂcialÂity Paper, 4/c
Rickert-Ziebold Trust Award
Detail, 2005, 7.5″ × 9″, (30″ × 9″, unfolded), OffÂset LithÂoÂgÂraÂphy, Coated Paper, 4/c front, 1/c back, UniÂ
Visiting Artist Program Promotion
Poster, 18″ × 24″, OffÂset LithÂoÂgÂraÂphy, Coated Paper, 4/c, UniÂverÂsity Printers