Exercise 06.04: Font Installation and Anatomy Comparison
Goal To propÂerly install and utiÂlize font files and to comÂpare and observe difÂferÂences in letÂterÂforms and typefa
Background 05.01: Process and Production
Goal This goal of this docÂuÂment is to estabÂlish the conÂtext for curÂrent course conÂtent. To facilÂiÂtate the fluÂ
Assignment 03.04: Identi-tee
Goal The goal of this projects is to use design to comÂmuÂniÂcate and idenÂtify in a creÂative and effecÂtive manne
Exercise 04.03: Vinyl Weeding
Goal The goal of this exerÂcise is to develop the proper techÂniques needed to preÂpare and apply comÂputer conÂtrolled c
Exercise 07.04: Spot Colors
Goal The goal of this exerÂcise is to underÂstand and utiÂlize the difÂferÂence between color modÂels and the appliÂcaÂ
Lecture 03.01: File Management
Goal The goal of this project is to introÂduce the file types used in design proÂducÂtion and to creÂate a conÂsisÂ
Lecture 02.02: Typeface Identification
Goal The goal of this lecÂture is to idenÂtify and describe the charÂacÂterÂisÂtics of the main catÂeÂgories of type a
Exercise 08.10: Linespacing
Goal The goal of this exerÂcise is to learn the basic visual and techÂniÂcal prinÂciÂples assoÂciÂated with leadÂing (
Exercise 07.10: Letterspacing
Goal: EffecÂtive use of spa cem ake sty pog rap hymo rein vi ting tore ad and ea sier to un der sta nd. Visual judgeÂme
Background 10.01: Typography — Alignment
Goal This goal of this docÂuÂment is to estabÂlish the conÂtext for curÂrent course content. Objective ComÂplete the Bac
Assignment 04.07: Corporate Identity Set
This project was retired in the the spring of 2024, but left here for archival purÂposes. For more recent verÂsions of logo
Exercise 10.14: Student Opinion Surveys
Goal To obtain an unbiÂased, anonyÂmous review of the course and instrucÂtor by parÂticÂiÂpatÂing students. Objective C