Exercise 08.06: Shot Types
Goal To understand how compositional shots influence viewers emotional interpretation of subject matter.
Exercise 05.04: Relative Motion
Goal Develop a sensitivity to relative motion used to create or reinforce meaning. Objective Create two s
Assignment 04.12: Network Holiday Bumpers
Goal To understand and appreciate the implications of using time and motion as a design element to reinforc
Assignment 03.09: Kinetic Logos
Goal To understand and appreciate the implications of using time and motion as a design element to reinforc
Exercise 07.05: Animating Visual Reinforcement
Goal To transition a static design into a moving composition that reinforces meaning. Objective Usin
Exercise 06.05: Type Families and Visual Reinforcement
Goal The goal of this exercise is to increase sophistication in designing with type. The type font is the set of cha
Exercise 05.04: Leading
Goal The primary goal if this exercise is to develop a sophisticated awareness of the skill of spacing lines
Exercise 04.04: Kerning and Letterspacing
Goal The primary goal if this exercise is to develop a sophisticated awareness of the skill of spacing letter
Background 04.04: Grids
Goal This goal of this document is to establish the context for current course content.
ART 318 Midterm Grading
Goal The goal of midterm grading is to provide an assessment of student work completed at the midway point of the
Exercise 10.09: Text and Image
Goal To understand the connection between the grid, image and text with the context of a creative layout.
Exercise 08.05: Style Sheets for Print
Goal The primary goal if this exercise is to create an InDesign file with stylesheets suitable for production&nb