The goal of this assignment is to plan, develop and present a series of HTML and CSS layouts.
The objective of this assignment is to use an established framework to recreate a series of common web page layouts from sample images.
- Robbins, Chapters 14, 15, 16, 17
- http://getbootstrap.com
- http://designshack.net/articles/layouts/10-rock-solid-website-layout-examples/
- http://www.lipsum.com/
Using the Bootstrap framework, recreate in wireframe form the sample layouts below. Wireframes provide a usable simulation to check basic document semantics, markup and styled layout. Wireframes serve as a more media appropriate, working sketch, which can be used to check browser compatibility among other things.
Part One
Using the framework from its host, begin to create the layouts below. Correctly organize, markup and style the document using each of the images provided below as a guide. Transfer the notations from the sketches to the HTML files, adding additional markup and dummy content as needed, including the provided placeholder images. The final solution for each sample should closely approximate the images below, but may not appear exactly the same. There are multiple possible solutions to the problem.

Ultimately, you will need to repeat the process, create individual css files for each solution, and, if needed, duplicate the Bootstrap folder up to five times. Archive and upload the resulting files and file structures to the appropriate D2L dropbox.
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine assignment score: Assignment 03.04: Frameworks and Layout
wireframing, mark up, tags, CSS, file organization,
Dreamweaver, source files, Bootstrap, sample images via Joshua Johnson, Design Shack, Published on February 16, 2011.
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.