Remember Me Always: Grandmothers®


2004, 9.5″ × 8″, Off­set Lith­o­g­ra­phy, Matte Paper, Fully Con­cealed Wire Bind, 4/c

Com­mis­sioned by Crain Funeral Homes, a regional com­pany con­sist­ing of five funeral homes, three ceme­ter­ies and a mon­u­ment com­pany employ­ing 24 peo­ple, this project involved plan­ning, cre­at­ing and super­vis­ing pro­duc­tion of 3,000 copies of a full color 52-page book that encour­ages mourn­ing grand­chil­dren to answer ques­tion per­ti­nent to their grand­moth­ers life and his­tory. Ques­tions are accom­pa­nied with space for where answers, pic­tures and mem­o­ra­bilia may be inserted. A wrap-around, fully con­cealed cover hides a large spi­ral bind­ing, which allows the book to be used and reviewed by a diverse audi­ence with an infi­nite num­ber of per­mu­ta­tions. The book is avail­able for nation­wide distribution.


Cover Detail, 2004, 9.5″ × 8″, Off­set Lith­o­g­ra­phy, Matte Paper, Fully Con­cealed Wire Bind, 4/c