Group Advisement Fall 2022

Thanks for com­ing out to group advise­ment. Just a cou­ple of key points and the links to the video and the files.

  • The rota­tion of classes has changed dra­mat­i­cally. All required classes are the same, but the offer­ing is rotat­ing. Please con­sult PDF for specifics.
  • Because of the rota­tion of classes, Degree plans are also no longer accu­rate. 2021 and 2022 plans are prepped as part of PDF.
  • For all First Year Stu­dents (fresh­man), Mr. Kim will assist with your sched­ule. He can han­dle every­thing I can, but will ask if some­thing is unique.
  • The reg­is­trar has set dead­lines for reg­is­ter­ing. Please con­sult PDF for specifics.
  • Provost’s Trip to Paris-Geneva info is avail­able via PDF.

If you need an appoint, please feel to make one. Use the links below.


Office Hours: M‑W-F 2:00 to 2:30 pm, T‑TR 8:30 – 9:00 am and 2:30–5:00 pm

For office hour vis­its and advise­ment appoint­ments, please use the online system.
