Exercise 16.11: Virtual Instruction (ART 205)


The goal of the exer­cise to to famil­iar­ize stu­dents and instruc­tor with vir­tual instruc­tion dur­ing the Spring 2020 (COVID-19) Semester.


Make the nec­es­sary arrange­ments to com­mu­ni­cate with the course instruc­tor and fel­low students.



Most instruc­tion will con­tinue via exist­ing D2L mech­a­nisms and uti­liz­ing Art and Design Tech­nol­ogy Require­ment hard­ware and soft­ware. Given the visual aspects of the sub­ject area, group dis­cus­sions and cri­tiques are essen­tial. Zoom will allow this to occur.

Part One

  1. Cre­ate a Zoom account. ORU email recommended.
  2. Visit the Zoom Con­tact Infor­ma­tion dis­cus­sion in D2L.
  3. Com­plete the dis­cus­sion by leav­ing an active link to your Zoom Con­tact information.

Part Two

Remain on standby for a test meet­ing as noti­fied by News and email.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine exer­cise score: Exer­cise Grading


com­puter, web browser


Mon­day, March 23, 2020. Exer­cise given.

9:30 am, Mon­day, March 23, 2020. Com­pleted Dis­cus­sion due. Test meet­ing to trou­ble shoot and assist.