Exercise 01.01.02: Contact Information, Discussion Sections, and Calendars


Estab­lish defined meth­ods to com­mu­ni­cate with the course instructor.


By pro­vid­ing an con­tact infor­ma­tion and uti­liz­ing the Dis­cus­sion and Cal­en­dar sec­tions of D2L, stu­dents will have access to course instructor.


  • ART 442 Web Design D2L, et al


Sub­mit con­tact infor­ma­tion via the appro­pri­ate drop­box, make an ini­tial intro­duc­tory post via the appro­pri­ate dis­cus­sion, and link your per­sonal com­puter and/or phone to the course cal­en­dar subscription.

Part One

Using the appro­pri­ate tool, such as a VCard from the Con­tacts appli­ca­tion, pro­vide a Face­Time (Apple ID) email and phone num­ber the course instruc­tor can use for com­mu­ni­ca­tion. This may have been pro­vided as part of another course require­ment, but update and resub­mit as necessary.

Part Two

Make an intro­duc­tory post in the Dis­cus­sion sec­tion of the course D2L site. Fol­low any direc­tions posted. Use this sec­tion to com­mu­ni­cate with your col­leagues, to doc­u­ment any inter­ac­tions with the instruc­tor, and cri­tique other stu­den­t’s work.

Part Three

Con­nect your devices to the Course Cal­en­dar to receive noti­fi­ca­tions of upcom­ing deadlines.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Exer­cise Grading


VCard, drop­box sub­mis­sions, dis­cus­sion inter­ac­tion, calendar


Con­tacts, Cal­en­dar, D2L


Thurs­day, August 21, 2018. Assign­ment Given.

Thurs­day, August 21, 2018. Files uploaded to appro­pri­ate D2L Drop­box, Dis­cus­sion posted in appro­pri­ate forum.