Course Introduction 01.01: Required Materials


Davis, Mered­ith; Graphic Design The­ory (Graphic Design in Con­text); Thames & Hud­son; First Ed, 2012. ISBN: 978–0500289808

Visocky O’Grady, Jenn and Ken Visocky O’Grady; A Design­er’s Research Man­ual; Rock­port Pub­lish­ers, Sec­ond Ed, 2017. ISBN: 978–1631592621

Robert, Curedale; Design Think­ing Process and Meth­ods; Design Com­mu­nity Col­lege Inc., Third ed, 2016. ISBN: 978–1940805498


  • Design Tech­nol­ogy Requirement
  • USB drive (1 Gb minimum)
  • TBA