Assignment 04.07: Corporate Identity Set

This project was retired in the the spring of 2024, but left here for archival pur­poses. For more recent ver­sions of logo design assign­ments, please con­sult the posted infor­ma­tion in the appro­pri­ate CMS.


The goal of this assign­ment is to trans­late an exist­ing logo into the basics of an iden­tity application.


The objec­tive of this assign­ment is to develop a sta­tion­ary set, vehi­cle graph­ics and out­door sig­nage or uni­form for the com­pany using the var­i­ous logos devel­oped pre­vi­ously. Doc­u­ment the spec­i­fi­ca­tions of the iden­tity by cre­at­ing a brief doc­u­ment out­lin­ing the appro­pri­ate use of logos, the gen­eral stan­dards for the brand items, and future design needs.

Background Reading


Design, test and pro­duce a sta­tion­ary set con­sist­ing of a let­ter­head, enve­lope and busi­ness card for your cho­sen com­pany. Then develop and mock-up vehi­cle graph­ics and either out­door sig­nage or uni­forms for the com­pany. Finally, doc­u­ment the stan­dards for use by future design­ers and creatives.

Part One

Design and pro­duce a sta­tion­ary set con­sist­ing of a let­ter­head, enve­lope and busi­ness card using your best logo from Part Two. Con­cen­trate on the con­cep­tual inte­gra­tion of the mark with the wider usabil­ity of the indi­vid­ual pieces. Inves­ti­gate paper types and spe­cial fin­ish­ing treat­ments, such as emboss­ing and die cuts. Do not for­get about con­di­tions like mail­ing require­ments that will affect the fin­ished project. First, sketch your ideas as thumb­nails. Sec­ond, mock up your solu­tions and eval­u­ate them before your final presentation.

Part Two

Cre­ate a set of vehi­cle graph­ics for the com­pany. Care­fully choose appro­pri­ate type of vehi­cle (van, truck, or car) Con­sider all aspects of the vehi­cle, includ­ing color size, win­dows in the solu­tion. Find stock graph­ics or vec­tors of your vehi­cle and apply the graph­ics to more than one angle. In addi­tion to these graph­ics, cre­ate either out­door sig­nage or an employee uni­form. Col­ors, sizes and mate­ri­als are unre­stricted, but must fall within rea­son­able bud­get approximations.

Part Three

Cre­ate a small pre­sen­ta­tion doc­u­ment out­lin­ing stan­dards for solu­tion. As a min­i­mum, you must present all of the con­tent required of this assign­ment. Con­sult the links above to deter­mine the basic require­ments for lay­out. Any stu­dent or designer should be able to use your doc­u­ment to recre­ate your design solu­tion with another divi­sion of the main orga­ni­za­tion. Use the pro­vided tem­plate <http://​www​.the​gridsys​tem​.org/​2​0​0​8​/​t​e​m​p​l​a​t​e​s​/​i​n​d​e​s​i​g​n​-​8​5​x​1​1​-​g​r​i​d​-​s​y​s​t​e​m​-​12/> to cre­ate an essen­tial infor­ma­tion in a quick ref­er­ence for­mat. Print the cheat sheet for presentation.

Sec­ondly, cre­ate a dig­i­tal stan­dards man­ual using the pro­vided HTML and CSS  tem­plate. Include all infor­ma­tion nec­es­sary for cre­at­ing the iden­tity set. The Style man­ual should include both print mate­ri­als as well as basic styl­is­tic con­sid­er­a­tions for a web­page (ie typog­ra­phy, RGB and hex col­ors, etc)

Place PDF of cheat sheet and a zipped ver­sion of HTML and CSS files in appro­pri­ate D2L Dropbox.


Link man­age­ment, Font man­age­ment, file place­ment, lay­out, book­let cre­ation, Sav­ing, file struc­ture, PDF cre­ation, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap


Lay­out paper, pen­cil, Adobe Illus­tra­tor and/or Pho­to­shop, access to b/w and color laser printer, ruler, cut­ting tool,


Mon­day, May 3, 2021. Assign­ment Given.

Wednes­day, June 9, 2021. Sketches for Part One.

Wednes­day, June 23, 2021. Prints for Part One.

Fri­day, July 16, 2021. Dig­i­tal and Prints for Part Three in Progress.

Mon­day, August 2, 2021. All Parts due for final pre­sen­ta­tion. Place PDF files in appro­pri­ate D2L Dropbox.

Mon­day, Feb­ru­ary 22, 2021. Assign­ment Given.

Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 24, 2021. Sketches for Part One.

Mon­day, March 1, 2021. Prints for Part One.

Fri­day, March 5, 2021. Wednes­day, March 3, 2021. Dig­i­tal and Prints for Part Three in Progress.

Mon­day, March 8, 2021. All Parts due for final pre­sen­ta­tion. Place PDF files in appro­pri­ate D2L Dropbox.