Exercise 05.04: Relative Motion
Goal Develop a sensitivity to relative motion used to create or reinforce meaning. Objective Create two s
Exercise 08.06: Shot Types
Goal To understand how compositional shots influence viewers emotional interpretation of subject matter.
Exercise 11.10: Secondary Motion
Goal To explore how continuity of editing can create a logical interpretation of space. Objectiv
ART 378 Exercise 15.15: Student Opinion Surveys
Goal To obtain an unbiased, anonymous review of the course and instructor by participating students. Objective C
Exercise 06.05: Type Families and Visual Reinforcement
Goal The goal of this exercise is to increase sophistication in designing with type. The type font is the set of cha
Exercise 07.05: Animating Visual Reinforcement
Goal To transition a static design into a moving composition that reinforces meaning. Objective Usin
Exercise 04.04: Kerning and Letterspacing
Goal The primary goal if this exercise is to develop a sophisticated awareness of the skill of spacing letter
Exercise 05.04: Leading
Goal The primary goal if this exercise is to develop a sophisticated awareness of the skill of spacing lines
Exercise 10.09: Text and Image
Goal To understand the connection between the grid, image and text with the context of a creative layout.
ART 318 Midterm Grading
Goal The goal of midterm grading is to provide an assessment of student work completed at the midway point of the
Assignment 02.05: Interior Book Design
Goal The primary goal if this assignment is to utilize print production software and skills to create a por
Exercise 08.05: Style Sheets for Print
Goal The primary goal if this exercise is to create an InDesign file with stylesheets suitable for production&nb