Exercise 07.05: Golden Section
Goal The priÂmary goal if this exerÂcise is to creÂate an InDeÂsign file suitÂable to layÂout of the inteÂrior pages of
ART 355 Graphic Design Studio Final Grading
Goal The goal of final gradÂing is to proÂvide an assessÂment of stuÂdent work comÂpleted at the end of the semesÂter. G
Exercise 03.06: Colors and Identity
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to supÂport brand comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion through planÂning, researchÂing and preÂ
Professional Portfolio Assessment (KPA)
(also known as AssignÂment 07.11: ProÂfesÂsional PortÂfoÂlio Assessment) Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to review
Client Driven Design Project (KPA)
(forÂmerly known as AssignÂment 08.02: Client DriÂven Design Project) Goal The goal of this project is to the stuÂdenÂtâ€
Assignment 09.12: Senior Project Research and Proposal
Goal The goal of the assignÂment is to preÂpare stuÂdents for the rigÂors of ART 499 Senior Project course. Objective The
Exercise 01.01: Student Contact Information
Goal To exchange conÂtact inforÂmaÂtion between stuÂdent and instructor. Objective Using Address Book (or simÂiÂlar proÂ
Exercise 02.01: Professional Association Membership
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to estabÂlish a conÂnecÂtion to design issues, peoÂple and pracÂtices via a&nb
Course Introduction: Evaluation Procedures — ART 355
Goal This goal of this inforÂmaÂtion is to define the paraÂmeÂters of course assessment.
Assignment 01.01: ORU Art Program Promotion
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to preÂpare stuÂdents for the proÂceÂdures and demands of proÂfesÂsional employÂm
Assignment 02.02: ORU Art, Theatre and Dance Promotion Package
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to develop a mulÂtiÂmeÂdia, multi-forÂmat design solution. Objective The objecÂ
Design Brief (KPA)
(also known as AssignÂment 03.04: Design Brief) Goal The goal of the assignÂment is to learn the founÂdaÂtional process of