Senior Project Proposal (KPA)
Team Evaluation (KPA)
Assignment 04.02.02: Web Images
Goal Review vocabulary and skills related to HTML and CSS. Objective Read and complete exercises that refresh kno
Exercise 06.02: WordPress Navigation
Goal To understand the mechanics of changing visual and functional aspects in a basic content management sy
Whole Person Assessment (WPA)-AGRD-Motion Design Portfolio
Goal The goal of this project is to asses the student’s performance and potential in the graphic design field. Obj
Assignment 04.04: Wireframing
Goal The goal of this assignment is to plan a series of HTML and CSS layouts. Objective The objective of this assign�
Assignment 03.03: CSS for Layout Review
Goal Review vocabulary and skills related to HTML and CSS. Objective Read and complete exercises that refresh kno
Exercise 17.11: CMS Edits
Needs Creating Goal Create a valid and correctly marked up HTML document. Objective Add the appropriate HTML mark
Exercise 16.10: Image Best Practices
Needs Creating Goal Create a valid and correctly marked up HTML document. Objective Add the appropriate HTML mark
Exercise 15.10: Media Best Practices
Needs Editing Goal Create a valid and correctly marked up HTML document. Objective Add the appropriate HTML marku
Exercise 10.04: Bootstrap Layout
Goal The goal of the exercise is to understand the conventions and practical application of frameworks in th
Course Introduction 01.01: Required Materials
Textbook Robbins, Jennifer Niederst, Learning Web Design, A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Web Gr