graphic design studio

Professional Portfolio Assessment (KPA)

(also known as Assign­ment 07.11: Pro­fes­sional Port­fo­lio Assessment) Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to review

Assignment 06:10: Portfolio Promotion Package

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to pre­pare a pro­mo­tion pack­age use­ful for find­ing employment. Objective

Assignment 09.12: Senior Project Research and Proposal

Goal The goal of the assign­ment is to pre­pare stu­dents for the rig­ors of ART 499 Senior Project course. Objective The

Client Driven Design Project (KPA)

(for­merly known as Assign­ment 08.02: Client Dri­ven Design Project) Goal The goal of this project is to the stu­den­tâ€

Exercise 01.01: Student Contact Information

Goal To exchange con­tact infor­ma­tion between stu­dent and instructor. Objective Using Address Book (or sim­i­lar proÂ

Assignment 04.07: Corporate Identity Set

This project was retired in the the spring of 2024, but left here for archival pur­poses. For more recent ver­sions of logo

Exercise 10.14: Student Opinion Surveys

Goal To obtain an unbi­ased, anony­mous review of the course and instruc­tor by par­tic­i­pat­ing students. Objective C

Exercise 02.01: Professional Association Membership

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to estab­lish a con­nec­tion to design issues, peo­ple and prac­tices via a&nb

Course Introduction: Evaluation Procedures — ART 355

Goal This goal of this infor­ma­tion is to define the para­me­ters of course assessment.

Assignment 01.01: ORU Art Program Promotion

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to pre­pare stu­dents for the pro­ce­dures and demands of pro­fes­sional employ­m

Design Brief (KPA)

(also known as Assign­ment 03.04: Design Brief) Goal The goal of the assign­ment is to learn the foun­da­tional process of

Assignment 02.02: ORU Art, Theatre and Dance Promotion Package

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to develop a mul­ti­me­dia, multi-for­mat design solution. Objective The objecÂ