Exercise 04.03: Vinyl Weeding
Goal The goal of this exerÂcise is to develop the proper techÂniques needed to preÂpare and apply comÂputer conÂtrolled c
Assignment 03.04: Identi-tee
Goal The goal of this projects is to use design to comÂmuÂniÂcate and idenÂtify in a creÂative and effecÂtive manne
Exercise 06.04: Font Installation and Anatomy Comparison
Goal To propÂerly install and utiÂlize font files and to comÂpare and observe difÂferÂences in letÂterÂforms and typefa
Exercise 07.04: Spot Colors
Goal The goal of this exerÂcise is to underÂstand and utiÂlize the difÂferÂence between color modÂels and the appliÂcaÂ
Exercise 07.10: Letterspacing
Goal: EffecÂtive use of spa cem ake sty pog rap hymo rein vi ting tore ad and ea sier to un der sta nd. Visual judgeÂme
Exercise 08.10: Linespacing
Goal The goal of this exerÂcise is to learn the basic visual and techÂniÂcal prinÂciÂples assoÂciÂated with leadÂing (
Assignment 04.07: Corporate Identity Set
This project was retired in the the spring of 2024, but left here for archival purÂposes. For more recent verÂsions of logo
Exercise 02.01: Professional Association Membership
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to estabÂlish a conÂnecÂtion to design issues, peoÂple and pracÂtices via a&nb
Course Introduction: Evaluation Procedures — ART 355
Goal This goal of this inforÂmaÂtion is to define the paraÂmeÂters of course assessment.
Assignment 01.01: ORU Art Program Promotion
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to preÂpare stuÂdents for the proÂceÂdures and demands of proÂfesÂsional employÂm
Assignment 02.02: ORU Art, Theatre and Dance Promotion Package
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to develop a mulÂtiÂmeÂdia, multi-forÂmat design solution. Objective The objecÂ
Design Brief (KPA)
(also known as AssignÂment 03.04: Design Brief) Goal The goal of the assignÂment is to learn the founÂdaÂtional process of