Assignment 01.02: Senior Project Development
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to develop a workÂing draft of the mulÂtiÂmeÂdia, multi-forÂmat design solutio
Exercise 06.02: WordPress Navigation
Goal To underÂstand the mechanÂics of changÂing visual and funcÂtional aspects in a basic conÂtent manÂageÂment sy
ART 453 Practicum Infield Study: Course Information Summary
Goal The goal of this project is to preÂpare stuÂdents for proÂfesÂsional realÂiÂties by apprenÂticÂing with a pr
Assignment 04.01.02: Tutorial Refresh
Goal Improve motion design techÂniÂcal skills through tutoÂrÂial learning. Objective ComÂplete a series of tutoÂriÂ
ART 412 Final Grading
Goal The goal of midterm gradÂing is to proÂvide an assessÂment of stuÂdent work comÂpleted at the end of the semesÂter.
Exercise 07.09: Intermediate Adobe Aero
Goal To develop an awareÂness of the techÂniÂcal and spaÂtial skills needed to creÂate augÂmented realÂity (AR) experie
Exercise 06.07: Introduction to Adobe Aero
Goal To develop an awareÂness of the techÂniÂcal and spaÂtial skills needed to creÂate augÂmented realÂity (AR) experie
Assignment 11.01: Senior Project Research and Project Proposal
Goal The goal of the assignÂment is to preÂpare stuÂdents for the rigÂors of ART 499 Senior Project course. Objective The
Exercise 10.15: Student Opinion Surveys
Exercise 16.11: Virtual Instruction
Goal Materials comÂputer, web browser
Exercise 10.15: Student Opinion Surveys
Goal To obtain an unbiÂased, anonyÂmous review of the course and instrucÂtor by parÂticÂiÂpatÂing students. Objective C
ART 335 Final Grading
Goal The goal of final gradÂing is to proÂvide an assessÂment of stuÂdent work comÂpleted at the end of the semesÂter. G