Exercise 12.14: Student Opinion Surveys
ART 442 Semester Two Final Grading
Goal The goal of final gradÂing is to proÂvide an assessÂment of stuÂdent work comÂpleted at the end of the semesÂter. G
Assignment 01.01.02: Site Layout and Frameworks
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to refresh the skills needed to layÂout a web site. Objective CreÂate a samÂ
Course Introduction 01.01.02: Successive Course Summary
Goal This goal of this inforÂmaÂtion is to define the paraÂmeÂters of course assessÂment unique to a sucÂcesÂsive
Course Introduction 01.01.02: Required Materials
Goal This goal of this inforÂmaÂtion is to define the supÂplies needed for the course.
Assignment 07.10.02: Site Design
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to learn the paraÂmeÂters and techÂniques assoÂciÂated with web site layÂout and d
Assignment 08.11: Portfolio Site
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to creÂate a portÂfoÂlio web site to use as a porÂtion of the overÂall st
Exercise 18.14: Student Opinion Surveys
ART 442 Final Grading
Goal The goal of final gradÂing is to proÂvide an assessÂment of stuÂdent work comÂpleted at the end of the semesÂter. G
Exercise 12.06: Responsive Layout
Goal The goal of this exerÂcise is to taiÂlor design soluÂtions to the approÂpriÂate media conÂvenÂtions and the widest
Exercise 14.08: CSS Backgrounds
Goal To underÂstand the simÂiÂlarÂiÂties and difÂferÂences of backÂground attribÂutes in print and digÂiÂtal delivÂ
Exercise 13.10: Intermediate Web Typography
Goal To develop the simÂiÂlarÂiÂties and difÂferÂences of typoÂgraphic attribÂutes in print and digÂiÂtal delivÂery