Assignment 04.12: Network Holiday Bumpers

Goal To under­stand and appre­ci­ate the impli­ca­tions of using time and motion as a design ele­ment to rein­forc

Exercise 05.04: Relative Motion

Goal Develop a sen­si­tiv­ity to rel­a­tive motion used to cre­ate or rein­force meaning. Objective Cre­ate two s

Exercise 08.06: Shot Types

Goal To under­stand how com­po­si­tional shots influ­ence view­ers emo­tional inter­pre­ta­tion of sub­ject matter.

Exercise 11.10: Secondary Motion

Goal To explore how con­ti­nu­ity of edit­ing can cre­ate a log­i­cal inter­pre­ta­tion of space. Objectiv

ART 378 Exercise 15.15: Student Opinion Surveys

Goal To obtain an unbi­ased, anony­mous review of the course and instruc­tor by par­tic­i­pat­ing students. Objective C

Exercise 06.05: Type Families and Visual Reinforcement

Goal The goal of this exer­cise is to increase sophis­ti­ca­tion in design­ing with type. The type font is the set of cha

Exercise 07.05: Animating Visual Reinforcement

Goal To tran­si­tion a sta­tic design into a mov­ing com­po­si­tion that rein­forces meaning. Objective Usin

Exercise 04.04: Kerning and Letterspacing

Goal The pri­mary goal if this exer­cise is to develop a sophis­ti­cated aware­ness of the skill of spac­ing letter

Exercise 05.04: Leading

Goal The pri­mary goal if this exer­cise is to develop a sophis­ti­cated aware­ness of the skill of spac­ing lines

Exercise 10.09: Text and Image

Goal To under­stand the con­nec­tion between the grid, image and text with the con­text of a cre­ative layout.

ART 318 Midterm Grading

Goal The goal of midterm grad­ing is to pro­vide an assess­ment of stu­dent work com­pleted at the mid­way point of the

Assignment 02.05: Interior Book Design

Goal The pri­mary goal if this assign­ment is to uti­lize print pro­duc­tion soft­ware and skills to cre­ate a por