To goal of this quiz is to asses the student’s skill kerning letterforms.
The objective of this quiz is to assign a numerical grade to completed solutions.
Visit http://type.method.ac and complete the Kerntype Quiz. Follow the directions and complete the ten (10) problems that are presented. When complete, take a screen-shot of your score and upload it to the appropriate D2L dropbox. Quiz scoring is based on this image and will reflect the course’s published grading scale. Only one (1) submission allowed.
To take a screen-shot:
- Command-Shift-4-Spacebar: Takes a screenshot of the window, and saves it as a file on the desktop. The file will have a .png extension.
- Command-Shift‑3: Takes a screenshot of the entire screen, and saves it as a file on the desktop. The file will have a .png extension.
- Instead of using the keyboard shortcuts above, screenshots can be taken by using the Screenshot application included with Mac OS X. It is located at
or by searching via Spotlight in the upper right of the Mac screen. - For more information, please visit: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201361
computer, web browser, Grab or shortcut
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.