
We prac­tice typog­ra­phy. It is that sim­ple. Really. It is no acci­dent that most typog­ra­phers are crusty cur­mud­geons past their prime. Try fuss­ing and squint­ing at orig­i­nal 6pt Cop­per­plate or a com­puter all day for count­less years. Impor­tant deci­sions on kern­ing those lin­ing numer­als at the bot­tom of your clien­t’s fine print takes a toll on your life.

Good typog­ra­phy takes a lot of effort. We can help do this work for you. If you need the cre­ation of more tra­di­tional printed pieces, con­sult­ing on tech­nol­ogy or some instruc­tional tutor­ing, we can help. Send us a mes­sage and let us know what we can do with you. Until then, read on!

Jason W. Howell, MFA: Senior Art Director

Jason W. How­ell received his MFA from the Uni­ver­sity of Okla­homa in 2001. He has taught design and typog­ra­phy at Okla­homa State Uni­ver­sity, the Uni­ver­sity of Okla­homa and South­ern Illi­nois Uni­ver­sity Car­bon­dale. He cur­rently serves as  a Pro­fes­sor of Graphic Design and the Direc­tor of the Insti­tute of Design, Expe­ri­ence and Art (IDEA) at Oral Roberts Uni­ver­sity. You can read his entire aca­d­e­mic CV if you really need to know all the tech­ni­cal details. He also has an artist résumé.

It is said that Jason shaves with a squeegee and names his pets after type­faces. In real­ity, he is most likely read­ing a design the­ory book, or remem­ber­ing how to run his let­ter­press. When not print­ing old school, he is cre­at­ing lay­outs for prints, learn­ing to make chan­nel let­ters with a 3D printer and a CNC or cri­tiquing with his stu­dents on any num­ber of sub­jects. Prac­tice makes per­fect, or as close as you can get.

Jason cur­rently teaches graphic, typog­ra­phy, motion and web design. He is a cur­rent and/or for­mer mem­ber of Col­lege Art Asso­ci­a­tion, as well as the Amer­i­can Cen­ter for Design (now UCDA), and AIGA, the pro­fes­sional asso­ci­a­tion of design.


Every once in a while, we all need some­thing more. If you need some­thing, please con­tact me below. Go on! I will even call you if you wish.

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