Group Advisement Spring 2025

Thanks for com­ing out to group advise­ment. Just a cou­ple of key points and the links to the video and the files.

  1. Sched­ule rota­tion, see PDF.
  2. One ART 365 Dig­i­tal Pho­tog­ra­phy per semester
  3. Sum­mer School Options ART 442 Web Design, ART 378 Motion Design (Both sec­ond semes­ter, First one must be done on cam­pus) ART 453 Practicum Infield Study
  4. Intern­ship — required, look for instruc­tions via adviser or D2L direc­tions. Avail­able via sum­mer, but due to uni­ver­sity reg­u­la­tions, must be enrolled as stu­dent to com­plete credit. Loca­tion flexible. 
  5. Port­fo­lio Reviews Guide­lines and reminders
  6. ART 090 BFA Port­fo­lio Review late fall, is used for admis­sion to pro­gram. Keep work for ART 101, 102, 107, 213, 214. 
  7. ART 095 BFA Progress Review used to assess advance­ment towards com­ple­tion of a pro­fes­sional degree. With wide range of com­pli­ca­tions and vari­ables, the review’s intent is to inform and guide, as well as pre­pare for intern­ship par­tic­i­pa­tion and ART 499 Senior Project. Each sit­u­a­tion is unique, so con­sult the appro­pri­ate adviser directly for more information. 
  8. Math Place­ment infor­ma­tion can be found at (https://​oru​.edu/​a​c​a​d​e​m​i​c​s​/​c​o​s​e​/​c​o​m​p​u​t​i​n​g​-​a​n​d​-​m​a​t​h​e​m​a​t​i​c​s​/​a​l​e​k​s​p​p​l​/​a​l​e​k​s​h​o​m​e​.​p​h​p​?​l​o​c​a​l​e​=en). The test must be taken before reg­is­ter­ing for a math class.
  9. Juniors and Seniors Audits should be sched­uled or con­ducted by this point.
  10. Seniors, please make sure you Apply to Grad­u­ate. Stu­dents with 6 hours left after grad­u­a­tion will need to peti­tion through registrar.

And for prepar­ing for reg­is­tra­tion, which begins on Mon­day, March 10, cre­ate a plan on paper or using the Reg­is­tra­tion Tools in Vision:

  1. Update degree plan sheet with cur­rent courses using Vision, or use https://​degree​works​.oru​.edu/ (Works for degrees after 2021).
  2. Start with next art or design courses from degree plan sheet, work­ing in gen eds and HPE in as avail­able. These are spe­cific to each year. Please use the year you came to ORU, This can be found in Vision
  3. If you have a cus­tom degree plan cre­ated by one of us, please use it. Let us know if we have questions.
  4. Remem­ber many courses are taught fall or spring, even or odd years, or on a rota­tion only (see PDF).
  5. Please plan ahead as many semes­ters as possible.
  6. Write CRN num­bers down as well as course num­ber and title, which makes it eas­ier to remem­ber which sec­tion you want.
  7. Pri­or­i­tize plans, major takes prece­dence over minors or activ­i­ties. Bring com­pleted work­sheet to advise­ment appointment.
  8. Please, no drop-ins. 24-hours notice allows for preparation.
  9. The rota­tion of classes has changed dra­mat­i­cally. All required classes are the same, but the offer­ing is rotating.
  10. For all First Year Stu­dents (fresh­man), Mr. Kim will assist with your sched­ule. He can han­dle every­thing I can, but will ask if some­thing is unique.

Documents and Links

Jason How­ell’s Per­sonal Meet­ing Room Date: Mar 3, 2025 11:57 AM Cen­tral Time (US and Canada)

For office hour vis­its and advise­ment appoint­ments, please use the online system.
