Exercise 10.13: Chapel Countdown Backgrounds


Develop an under­stand­ing of the role if the visual sequence plays in a larger design solution.


Design a back­ground for lay­er­ing use on chapel count­down, used before the ser­vice begins.


Using the tem­plates pro­vided, develop a series of twelve (12) graph­ics: an intro graphic, (10) back­ground graph­ics each rep­re­sent­ing one sec­ond on the count­down, and an exit graphic. Staff at Uni­ver­sity Media Pro­duc­tions (UMP) will fin­ish the work by key­ing and com­posit­ing stock video over the back­ground. Please leave enough area in each com­po­si­tion to see the num­ber and the future video simultaneously.

Graph­i­cally you are not lim­ited to a par­tic­u­lar style or con­cept, but the solu­tion must reflect the vision of the Uni­ver­sity and it’s Honor Code.

Cre­ate the work on appro­pri­ate file lay­ers, each num­bered to match the a spe­cific dis­play pur­pose. This is key to a smooth pro­duc­tion process used by the pro­fes­sion­als at UMP. Fail­ure to do so iden­ti­fies you as an ama­teur and cre­ates dis­dain with more expe­ri­enced personnel.

Be mind­ful of TV Safe guides, though graph­ics can extend beyond the bound­aries of the frame. Save a copy of the file in fully editable form, and save a sec­ond copy with fonts ras­ter­ized or out­lined, depend­ing upon your tem­plate, in appro­pri­ate for­mat. Keep both the orig­i­nal author­ing file and the rasterized/outlined ver­sion, as we will use them for an assign­ment later this semester.

Please sub­mit PDF or sep­a­rate JPG sequen­tially ordered images with mul­ti­ple shots or scene rep­re­sent­ing key graphic changes.


Adobe Illus­tra­tor or Pho­to­shop, graph­ics of choice, tem­plate files


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.