Exercise 07.11: Stop Motion


Expe­ri­ence the basics of clas­sic ani­ma­tion tech­niques to truly under­stand the mod­ern skills needed for suc­cess­ful design solutions.


Cre­ate a short stop motion movie using a still camera.



Using a dig­i­tal still cam­era and an inan­i­mate object, cre­ate a five (5) sec­ond stop motion video. Choose an object and a sim­ple still life back­ground. Using your cam­era, posi­tion and shoot your object. Adjust your object and reshoot until you have reached the required num­ber of frames.

Keep the cam­era as still as pos­si­ble by using a tri­pod or brac­ing device. Pay care­ful atten­tion to light­ing and positioning.

Using Adobe After Effects (or sim­i­lar), assem­ble the indi­vid­ual files in sequen­tial order. Adjust the frame rate and export at the fol­low­ing settings:

  • Frame rates (frames per sec­ond): 15 to 30 fps
  • File Size/Export Set­tings: HDTV 1080, 29.97fps/Render Set­tings: Best and Out­put Mod­ule: H.264
  • File name: xyz_art378_exer03_30fps.mp4


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Exer­cise Grading


Research, plan­ning, pho­tog­ra­phy, assem­bly, exporting


Object, still life, dig­i­tal cam­era, com­posit­ing or edit­ing software


Thurs­day, March 25, 2021. Exer­cise Given.

Tues­day, March 30, 2021. Exer­cise Due in appro­pri­ate D2L Drop­box by begin­ning of class.