Exercise 06.10: Frame Rates


To expe­ri­ence the basics of clas­sic ani­ma­tion tech­niques to truly under­stand the mod­ern skills needed for suc­cess­ful design solutions.


Con­vert a tra­di­tional flip­book ani­ma­tion to a dig­i­tal video.


Using the solu­tion from Exer­cise 01.02: Flip­book Ani­ma­tion, dig­i­tize each frame using a scan­ner (and an auto feed tray). Save the result­ing files to your computer.

Using Adobe After Effects (or sim­i­lar), assem­ble the indi­vid­ual files in sequen­tial order. Adjust the frame rate and export at the fol­low­ing settings:

  • Frame rates (frames per sec­ond): 1, 5, 15 and 30 fps
  • File Size/Export Set­tings: HDTV 1080, 29.97fps/Render Set­tings: Best and Out­put Mod­ule: H.264
  • File name: xyz_art378_exer02_30fps.mov

Fol­low these guidelines:

  • File> New Project.
  • Com­po­si­tion> New Com­po­si­tion. Pre­set: HDTV 1080, 29.97fps
  • File> Import> File… Locate files and shift+click all in sequence. Select “JPEG Sequence.”
  • Drag clip to timeline.
  • In project win­dow, control+click sequence and then Inter­pret Footage> Main… and set Frame rate. Click OK.
  • Drag sequence to Ren­der Queue tab. Adjust /Render Set­tings: Best and Out­put Mod­ule: H.264. Out­put to: Select appro­pri­ate location.

Technical Specifications

Cre­ate the ani­ma­tions at the fol­low­ing settings:

  • File Size/Export Set­tings: HDTV 1080, 29.97fps
  • Ren­der Set­tings: Best and Out­put Mod­ule: H.264
  • 44.1kHz, 16 bit, 2 chan­nel audio
  • File name: xyz_art378_exer00_part00.mp4


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Exer­cise Grading


draw­ing, cut­ting, glu­ing, lay­out, sketch­ing, planning


paper, cut­ting tools, cut­ting mat, glue, binder clips


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.