To properly install and utilize font files and to compare and observe differences in letterforms and typefaces.
Using and understanding the correct use of font files and their acompanying tools is essential to producing design solutions.
Background Reading
- FontBook: https://support.apple.com/guide/font-book/welcome/mac
- Install Fonts Windows 10: https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/how-to-install-fonts-in-windows-10/
- https://fonts.adobe.com (formerly https://typekit.com)
- https://www.monotypefonts.com (formerly https://www.fontexplorerx.com no longer supported)
- https://fonts.google.com/knowledge/introducing_type/how_typefaces_are_designed_and_fonts_are_made
- https://design.tutsplus.com/articles/different-font-file-types-explained-ott-ttf-woff–cms-39047
Download and/or install the appropriate font file(s). Using the document template produce a PDF version of this document and deliver it to the appropriate D2L Dropbox. Secondly, select letters from the restricted typefaces and compare the differences in letterforms through scaling and transparency using Adobe Illustrator. Produce a second PDF version of this document and deliver it to the appropriate D2L Dropbox.
Part One:
Download the following files from D2L content section:
- 60s Chic
- exercise05_08.ai
Install the font file in the correct location for the computer. Install the correct font from Adobe’s Typekit service. Open the provided template. If the font file is installed properly, you will see a Dingbat image and not a letter. Fonts on the second art board of the template should also render correctly. When successful, save a PDF copy of the file.
Part Two:
Choose two diverse letters in two different typefaces. Recreate one letter two times, once in each typeface, with an x‑height of four inches (4″), in new letter-sized document in Adobe Illustrator. Align the letters so the baseline approximate center match. Set the transparency of each letter so the differences of both positive shapes are visible. Save as a PDF in appropriate D2L location.
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine assignment score: Exercise Grading
PDF creation, transparency, alignment, typographic measurement systems
Adobe Illustrator, Restricted Typefaces,
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.