Exercise 06.04: Font Installation and Anatomy Comparison


To prop­erly install and uti­lize font files and to com­pare and observe dif­fer­ences in let­ter­forms and typefaces.


Using and under­stand­ing the cor­rect use of font files and their acom­pa­ny­ing tools is essen­tial to pro­duc­ing design solutions.

Background Reading


Down­load and/or install the appro­pri­ate font file(s). Using the doc­u­ment tem­plate pro­duce a PDF ver­sion of this doc­u­ment and deliver it to the appro­pri­ate D2L Drop­box. Sec­ondly, select let­ters from the restricted type­faces and com­pare the dif­fer­ences in let­ter­forms through scal­ing and trans­parency using Adobe Illus­tra­tor. Pro­duce a sec­ond PDF ver­sion of this doc­u­ment and deliver it to the appro­pri­ate D2L Dropbox.

Part One:

Down­load the fol­low­ing files from D2L con­tent section:

  1. 60s Chic
  2. exercise05_08.ai

Install the font file in the cor­rect loca­tion for the com­puter. Install the cor­rect font from Adobe’s Type­kit ser­vice. Open the pro­vided tem­plate. If the font file is installed prop­erly, you will see a Ding­bat image and not a let­ter. Fonts on the sec­ond art board of the tem­plate should also ren­der cor­rectly. When suc­cess­ful, save a PDF copy of the file.

Part Two:

Choose two diverse let­ters in two dif­fer­ent type­faces. Recre­ate one let­ter two times, once in each type­face, with an x‑height of four inches (4″), in new let­ter-sized doc­u­ment in Adobe Illus­tra­tor. Align the let­ters so the base­line approx­i­mate cen­ter match. Set the trans­parency of each let­ter so the dif­fer­ences of both pos­i­tive shapes are vis­i­ble. Save as a PDF in appro­pri­ate D2L location.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Exer­cise Grading


PDF cre­ation, trans­parency, align­ment, typo­graphic mea­sure­ment systems


Adobe Illus­tra­tor, Restricted Typefaces,


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.