Develop a sensitivity to color and the relationships to logo design.
Using Itten’s color harmonies models and a selected color, develop harmonies for possible use with logo and corporate identity.
- Santoro, Ch 6, p 155–166
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_Itten
- https://colorwithlara.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/itten-projects.pdf
- Form and Color Overview https://www.getty.edu/research/exhibitions_events/exhibitions/bauhaus/new_artist/form_color/
- https://openlibrary.org/books/OL7527879M/The_Art_of_Color
- https://openlibrary.org/books/OL4575971M/The_elements_of_color
Using research ans idea generation from previous class assignments, select a base color to use for further development. This color should represent the entity selected. The process is intended to develop a wide range of choices and possible color harmonies, so the initial selection is just a starting point. The process may need repeating or adjustment to select the ultimate color choice.
Create an RGB 10 in x 10 in Illustrator document with seven artboards. Using the first artboard, create a grid of 25–2 x 2 in squares with a white fill and no stroke. Use the rectangle tool’s data entry dialogue box and the lock to grid selection to ensure precision. Using your base color, develop each of the following color harmonies on each subsequent artboard based on Itten’s writings.
- Contrast of hue
- Light-dark contrast
- Cold-warm contrast
- Complementary contrast
- Simultaneous contrast
- Contrast of saturation
- Contrast of extension
Create a PDF from the files and deliver it to the appropriate D2L Dropbox.
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine exercise score: Exercise Grading
Adobe illustrator or other vector drawing program, Acrobat Professional
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.