Exercise 04.02: Art Matting


The goal of this exer­cise is to develop and prac­tice skills needed for the pro­duc­tion of design arti­facts and experiences.


The objec­tive of this exer­cise is to use an the appro­pri­ate tools and mate­ri­als to a cre­ate a sam­ple arti­fact or experience.



Using the mate­ri­als and tech­niques of the class demon­stra­tions, as well as processes from the Back­ground videos, assem­ble and fin­ish the arti­facts (or expe­ri­ence). Look for meth­ods and plan­ning to make the process eas­ier and more depend­able. For exam­ple, build­ing in trim or fold marks, vis­i­ble to constructor/assembler but hid­den from the user in the fin­ished arti­fact, are impor­tant. Set­ting up jigs or tools to make repet­i­tive tasks sim­pler is also valu­able for effi­ciency and consistency.

Part One

Using the sup­plied mate­ri­als and tools, mea­sure and cut a win­dow mat for a stan­dard­ized image and frame size.

Part Two

Using the work from Part One, pre­pare an image for mount­ing to the back of the mat board using the hinge method.

Sub­mit an JPG or PDF image to the appro­pri­ate drop­box for assessment.

Health and Safety Notice

  • Do not oper­ate equip­ment with­out instruc­tor supervision
  • Safety Pro­to­cols are in affect.
  • Equip­ment Man­u­als pro­vide warnings.
  • Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Index


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine exer­cise score: Exer­cise Grading


cut­ting, mounting


art, adhe­sive (archival pre­ferred) tape, mat board, cut­ting tools, rulers (straight­edge)


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.