The goal of this exercise is to develop and use communication theory and strategy to develop a design solution.
The objective of this exercise is to document the possible communication theories that would provide insight into developing a design solution, and use general data sources to validate solutions.
Background Reading
- Davis, Part One, Chapters 1–3
- O’Grady, Ch 2, Research Strategies and Tactics
- List of Communication Theories https://www.communicationtheory.org/list-of-theories/
- https://learn.g2.com/communication-theory
Theory and strategy can take more than one form usable to the designer. In one form, it could be used for the development of a direction of a project (Davis). An overlapping and complimentary approach involves using strategy to research the parameters, influencing factors and success of a solution (O’Grady).
Using a simple, and fairly common activity, develop a design question that can be surveyed, researched, outlined, tested and recorded. A final report and presentation will review the activity and record the findings. Each group will submit their work and earn scores as a team (updated 02.08.2021).
Part One
Begin with obtaining a communication design problem presented in class. The problems will be generated randomly from a series of Activities, Audiences and Artifacts.
Part Two
Develop solution that begins to address the problem using Davis’ resources (as a minimum resource) to determine the communication goal. Use any supplemental resources as needed.
Part Three
Using a minimum of two (2) tactics outlined in O’Grady, modify the solution to incorporate data influences and findings. Generate two (2) possible solutions that are ready for testing.
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine assignment score: Exercise Grading
creative thinking, experimentation, process, abstract thought, Idea Generation, Theory, Tactics, Writing, Presentation
computer, software, paper, pencil
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.