The primary goal if this exercise is to create an InDesign file illustrating knowledge if the Fibonacci Sequence used in print.
Recreate the provided layout using the assigned typeface and appropriate content a the correct sizes.
Background Reading
- Kane, p 106–117
- Bringhurst, p 45–60
Part One
Create a 11’‘ x 17’’ InDesign document using the provided template file. Repeat the place hold text as necessary (including the correct sizes at the beginning of each line), resizing each line to match the correct sizes for a basic Fibonacci Sequence starting at one (1) but illustrated from eight (8 pts) to 144 pts. Use soft returns to fill the lines as full as possible. Edit you entries to a maximum of three lines at the larger sizes. Set the leading of each to set solid.
Place a PDF and a copy of the InDesign file in the appropriate D2L dropbox.
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine exercise score: Exercise Grading
Typeface adjustment, addition, division, leading
Template file, InDesign
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.