The primary goal of this exercise is to create a printable type specimen sheet using Indesign.
Recreate the provided layout using the assigned typeface and appropriate content, labeling and use each style sheet as directed. Using the Styles feature in InDesign, remap the template styles to your assigned typefaces.
Background Reading
- Kane, p 116–125
- Bringhurst, 45–60, 271–298
Part One
Create a 8.5′ x 11′ InDesign document using the provided Template file. Keep a copy of it for later reference. Revise the header content to reflect assigned typeface. Edit the remaining styles name to reflect your typeface and the style attributes to match the typeface. If you understand how styles are used, the exercise will go quickly.
Place a PDF and a .indd copy of the Indesign file the appropriate D2L dropbox.
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine exercise score: Exercise Grading
Typesetting, font loading and substitution
Template file, InDesign
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.